Le DVD Prizmmy☆ Performance☆ Live sortira le 6 décembre.
Ce DVD inclut les vidéos des concerts des Prizmmy☆ Pretty Rhythm in Christmas (プリティーリズム in クリスマス) et Pretty Rhythm Dream Festival (プリティーリズム ドリーム☆フェスティバル) qui se sont déroulé en décembre 2012 et en mars 2013.
Il contient aussi des vidéos des coulisses de ces évènements.
D’autre part, le 9e single des Prizmmy☆ Crazy Gonna Crazy est en vente depuis le 30 octobre.
Setlist & Tracklist
- Pretty Rhythm in Christmas (プリティーリズム in クリスマス) 24/12/2012
- Dear My Future ~Mirai no Jibun e~ (~未来の自分へ~)
- Brand New World!!
- Prizmmy☆’s Aisatsu Song
- My Transform
- Body Rock
- Best Friend
- Pretty Rhythm Dream Festival (プリティーリズム ドリーム☆フェスティバル) 24/03/2013
- Dear My Future ~Mirai no Jibun e~ (~未来の自分へ~)
- RainBow×RainBow
- Tear Smile
- Best Friend
- Boy Meets Girl
- Panpina! (パンピナッ!)
- Bonus
- Pretty Rhythm in Christmas (プリティーリズム in クリスマス) (Backstage)
- Pretty Rhythm Dream Festival) (プリティーリズム ドリーム☆フェスティバル) (Backstage)

It should be noted that the correct title for track 1 of each concert is « Dear My Future ~Mirai no Jaban e~ ». I forgot the « e » a few times when typing this title, so don’t worry. 🙂
Also, did you know that Prizmmy first formed in 2011? There’s a low quality video of three members – Reina, Mia and Karin – dancing from 2011. http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm15762734?ref=search_key_video
The short edit of the music video « Everbody’s Gonna Be Happy » was used for the January 14, 2012 ending of PRETTY RHYTHM, which menas that the song was recorded and the video filmed in 2011.
It has been corrected.