X21 is a Japanese idol group formed in 2013 by Oscar Promotion.
They are also known as Next Generation Unit X21 (次世代ユニットX21).
It currently consists of 21 members.
The leader is Yoshimoto Miyu.
Biography / History
The girls were finalists of the 13th Japan Bishojo Contest (第13回全日本国民的美少女コンテスト) in August 2012. Yoshimoto Miyu and Ozawa Nanaka were the winners of the beauty contest.
The “X” in the group’s name stands for “unknown”, “future” and “power that can not be predicted”. It indicates that they are the next generation idol unit and that their potential is unpredictable.
Yamasaki Saaya and Igashi Manami are models for Pichi Lemon (ピチレモン) respectively since June and July 2012.
Saenaga Mai is a model for Seventeen magazine since February 2013.
Ohnishi Aguri played in Boku to Kimi no Melody (僕と君のメロディ) drama in March 2013.
Their variety show Go! Oscar! X21 (Go!オスカル!X21) airs on TV Asahi (テレビ朝日) since April 2013. It is broadcast every Friday night.
Yoshimoto Miyu hosts radio shows on TBS since April 2013
Nishikawa Misaki announced her graduation in March 2014. She was the eldest member.
X21’s debut single Asu e no Sotsugyou (明日への卒業) was released in March 2014.
Their 2nd single Koi Suru Natsu! (恋する夏!) went on sale in June 2014. The coupling track is a cover of the K-Pop song Gwiyomi Song (キヨミ・ソング) by South Korean female singer Hari.
X21 1st one-man live was held in August 2014 at Mt. Rainier Hall Shibuya Pleasure Pleasure, Tokyo.
Their 4th single X Gift (Xギフト) was the ending theme song for the variety show Go! Oscar! X21 (Go! オスカル! X21) hosted by the members of the idol group.
The girls were the guests of Muzz Buzz opening reception in March 2015. This event marked the creation of the first franchise of the Australian coffee store chain in Japan.
In April 2015, Nagao Mami, Moriya Sakura (X21), Takahashi Mari, Tominaga Mimori (Dorothy Little Happy), Murakami Rana, Minamiguchi Nana (GEM) formed the special unit Magical Dreamin (マジカル☆どりーみん) to perform the opening theme song for the anime Jewelpet Magical Change (ジュエルペット マジカルチェンジ).
X21’s 1st album Shoujo X (少女X) was released in April 2015.
Igashira Manami played in the movie My Friendship Kilt (マイ・フレンドシップ・キルト) along with Ishino Riko (Idol Renaissance), Ichinose Mika (Kamiyado), Komatsu Moka (Hakoiri♡Musume), Noda Mami (Sunmyu). The film was released in August 2015.
In September 2015, it was announced that if their 5th single You-kI no Parade (YOU-kIのパレード) didn’t reach the top 10 on Oricon chart, or if there were less than 10,000 copies sold in the first week, X21 would suspend indefinitely their activities at the end of the year. The result was that the CD ranked 5th.
The idol group’s 6th single Magical Kiss (マジカル☆キス), on sale in December 2015, is the theme song for the anime Jewelpet Magical Change (ジュエルペット マジカルチェンジ).
Komuro Tetsuya wrote the lyrics and composed the music of their 7th single Yakusoku no Oka (約束の丘) in March 2016. The themes are “relationship” and “friendship” between people.
Wakayama Ayano, Sera Misaki, Sagawa Miyu, Hosoi Yurika and Takahashi Runa announced their graduation in March 2016.
As a result, Inuzuka Shiori, Iijima Mika, Kadogaki Hikaru, Takamura Yuka, Kawaguchi Yurina and Nakazato Megumu joined X21 as 2nd generation members in April 2016. They were finalists of the 14th Japan Bishojo Contest (第14回全日本国民的美少女コンテスト).
- X21
- Years active : 2013 – present
- Label : Avex Trax
- Agency : Oscar Promotion
- Izumikawa Miho (泉川実穂)
- Yamasaki Saaya (山﨑紗彩)
- Matsuda Rina (松田莉奈)
- Yoshimoto Miyu (吉本実憂)
- Moriya Sakura (籠谷さくら)
- Tanaka Shuri (田中珠里)
- Nagao Mami (長尾真実)
- Igashira Manami (井頭愛海)
- Osaki Ichika (尾碕真花)
- Shiratori Hasumi (白鳥羽純)
- Kaminaguchi Honoka (上水口萌乃香)
- Yamaki Koharu (山木コハル)
- Ohnishi Aguri (大西亜玖璃)
- Saenaga Mai (末永真唯)
- Ozawa Nanaka (小澤奈々花)
- Inuzuka Shiori (犬塚しおり)
- Iijima Mika (飯島未賀)
- Kadogaki Hikaru (門垣ひかる)
- Takamura Yuka (髙村優香)
- Kawaguchi Yurina (川口ゆりな)
- Nakazato Megumu (中里萌 )
Anciennes membres
- Nishikawa Misaki (西川美咲)
- Wakayama Ayano (若山あやの)
- Sera Misaki (瀬羅美咲)
- Sagawa Miyu (佐川実優)
- Hosoi Yurika (細井友里加)
- Takahashi Runa (高橋るな)
- 19/03/2014 : Asu e no Sotsugyou (明日への卒業)
- 25/06/2014 : Koi Suru Natsu! (恋する夏!)
- 24/09/2014 : Happy Appli (ハッピーアプリ)
- 02/12/2014 : X Gift (Xギフト)
- 23/09/2015 : You-kI no Parade (YOU-kIのパレード)
- 02/12/2015 : Magical Kiss (マジカル☆キス)
- 30/03/2016 : Yakusoku no Oka (約束の丘)
- 29/04/2015 : Shoujo X (少女X)

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