Weather Girls‘ new single Like You ♡ Anyway will be released on June 4.
This is the 6th single from Weather Girls.
The MV has been released.
Like You ♡ Anyway is the ending theme song for the drama Tetsuko no Sodatekata (鉄子の育て方) in which the members of Weather Girls are playing.
It is described as a “cute and addictive song fitting with the season”.
The coupling track Wèi Wǒ Jiāyóu (為我加油) is sung in Taiwanese.
3 editions are available.
The limited editions includes a bonus DVD featuring either the music video or making-of footage.
- Regular Edition
- CD
- Like You ♡ Anyway
- Wèi Wǒ Jiāyóu (為我加油)
- Like You ♡ Anyway (Instrumental)
- Wèi Wǒ Jiāyóu (為我加油) (Instrumental)
- CD
- Type A
- CD
- Like You ♡ Anyway
- Wèi Wǒ Jiāyóu (為我加油)
- Like You ♡ Anyway (Music Video)
- CD
- Type B
- CD
- Like You ♡ Anyway
- Wèi Wǒ Jiāyóu (為我加油)
- PV & Jacket Making-of (PV&ジャケット メイキング映像収録予定)
- CD
Music Video (PV)