Tokyo Cheer2 Party (トーキョー チアチア パーティー) is a Japanese idol group formed in August 2010 by Nippon Cultural Broadcasting and Office Junior.
It currently consists of 14 members.
The leader is Sunaga Runa.
The concept of the idol unit is “to support fathers, young businessmen, and everyone who is doing their best nationwide”.
Sawa Miho and Shoko are sisters.
Biography / History
In August 2010, 533 girls participated in the audition. 10 applicants have been selected. Koike Ayame was added as the 11th member.
Their regular radio show started in October 2010.
Tokyo Cheer2 Party held their 1st live performance in January 2011 at Lazona Kawasaki.
The idol group released its 1st single Todoke! Yell Ai Kotoba (届け!エール 愛言葉) in April 2011.
Tokyo Cheer2 Party made their major debut in June 2013 with the single Gamushara Spirits (ガムシャラスピリッツ) released under Victor Entertainment’s label Version Music.
In September 2014, Ashihara Yua and Sunaga Runa played in the movie Alps Jogakuen (アルプス女学園) along with members from other idol groups.
The girls appear on Cheerz mobile app for smartphones since January 2015.
Doko Ruriko held a special collaboration live with Aoba Hinari (Fes☆tive) in May 2015 at K-Stage O!.
The unit has currently 5 generations of members.
- Tokyo Cheer2 Party (トーキョー チアチア パーティー)
- Years active : 2010 – present
- Label : Victor Entertainment
- Agency : Nippon Cultural Broadcasting, Office Junior
- Sunaga Runa (須永留奈)
- Sawa Shoko (澤翔子)
- Masumoto Saya (桝元沙耶)
- Hirai Anna (平井杏奈)
- Nakanishi Yuki (中西悠綺)
- Saito Tomoko (斉藤智子)
- Ashihara Yua (芦原優愛)
- Sawada Juna (澤田樹奈)
- Kuwazawa Natsuki (桑澤菜月)
- Bernstein Oliviya (バーンスタイン織美也)
- Kawashima Rei (川嶋麗惟)
- Doko Ruriko (土光瑠里子)
- Motokawa Aika (本川愛花)
- Akizawa Mizuki (秋澤美月)
Former Members
- Koike Ayame (小池彩夢)
- Otsu Misaki (大津美咲)
- Nagaoka Akane (長岡茜)
- Hirayama Kurumi (平山くるみ)
- Haraguchi Kisaki (原口貴妃)
- Yoshimura Ruri (吉村瑠莉)
- Yamada Maho (山田真帆)
- Ando Akane (安藤朱音)
- Tominaga Yoshimi (富永良美)
- Takano Mahiro (高野茉宙)
- Harada Rikako (原田里佳子)
- Inoue Saki (井上紗希)
- Sawa Miho (澤美帆)
- 06/04/2011 : Todoke! Yell Ai Kotoba (届け!エール 愛言葉)
- 03/08/2011 : Yume ni Mukatte… (夢に向かって…)
- 18/01/2012 : Happy Happy (はっぴーハッピー)
- 27/06/2012 : Rise
- 26/06/2013 : Gamushara Spirits (ガムシャラスピリッツ)
- 23/10/2013 : Iijan! (いいじゃん !)
- 09/04/2014 : Susume! Freshman (進め!フレッシュマン)
- 19/11/2014 : MD
- 25/12/2013 : Cheer Cheer Album (チアチアルバム)
Best-of Albums
- 17/10/2012 : Watashitachi, Tokyo Cheer2 Party Desu. Hai! Best Da yo (私たち、Tokyo Cheer② Partyです。ハイッ!ベストだょ)