Tochiotome25‘s new album Love Tochigi (Love♥とちぎ) was released on March 19.
This is the 1st album from Tochiotome25. The CD contains 12 tracks including the latest singles of the idol group and new songs.
The MV for Dokkaan! Ichigo Sakusen (どっかーん!いちご作戦) has been released.
In this video, the members of Tochiotome25 are fighting against mysterious aliens with their “strawberry” super powers.
There are 2 types available : “Tochi” (limited) and “Gi” (regular).
The limited edition includes a DVD with 5 PVs and making-of footage of the idol group’s new song.
- CD
- Tochiotome25 no Theme (とちおとめ25のテーマ)
- Dokkaan! Ichigo Sakusen (どっかーん!いちご作戦)
- Gyo-Za Party
- Ichigo Kinenbi (いちご記念日)
- Kimi ni Arigatou (君にありがとう)
- Ichigo Parfait (いちごパフェ
- Kyun Kyun Love (きゅんきゅんラブ)
- Kono Machi de (この街で)
- Ai no Sagan (愛のサガン)
- Ichigo Hakase (いちごハカセ)
- Mirai ni Tatte Ima wo Mite (未来に立って今を見て)
- Ano Sora wo Koete ~2012~ (あの空をこえて~2012~)
- Tochiotome25 no Theme (とちおとめ25のテーマ) (Music Video)
- Ichigo Hakase (いちご) (Music Video)
- Gyo-Za Party (Music Video)
- Dokkaan! Ichigo Sakusen (どっかーん!いちご作戦) (Music Video)
- Dokkan! Ichigo Sakusen (どっかーん!いちご作戦) (Making Movie)
- Kono Machi de (この街で) (Music Video)
Music Video (PV)