Tag Archive: Negicco

Nao☆ – Nanohana

Nao☆ - Nanohana

Nao☆, leader of Negicco, will release her first solo single.

It’s entitled Nanohana (菜の花) and will be on sale on April 11th.

After the release of the solo singles of her fellow group members, Megu in June 2017 and Kaede in September 2017, it is the turn of Nao☆ to make her solo debut.


Kaede – Ano Musume ga Kurasu Machi (Made Ato Dorekurai?)

Kaede - Ano Musume ga Kurasu Machi (Made Ato Dorekurai?)Kaede‘s new single was released on September 17th.

It is entitled Ano Musume ga Kurasu Machi (Made Ato Dorekurai?) (あの娘が暮らす街(まであとどれくらい?)).

This is Kaede’s first single, a member of the idol group Negicco. After the release of the first single of Megu, it is the turn of Kaede to release her own single.


Negicco 2011-2017 -Best- 2

Negicco 2011-2017 -Best- 2Negicco will release their new album Negicco 2011-2017 -Best- 2 on July 20.

This is the 2nd best-of album of the leek girls.

It will be released under the label T-Palette Records.


Negicco – Ai, Kamashitai no

Negicco - Ai, Kamashitai noThe new single of Negicco entited Ai, Kama Shitai no (愛、かましたいの) will be released on December 20.

This is the 21st single of Negicco.

The MV was unveiled. The members take a liking to Chinese life, and wear qipaos in the clip.


Negicco – Tea for Three

Negicco - Tea for ThreeThe new album of Negicco entitled Tea for Three (ティー・フォー・スリー) will be on sale on May 24.

It’s the 3rd album of Negicco.

One edition will be available.

The track list was unveiled.


Negicco – Nee Vardia

NegiccoNegicco‘s new single Nee Vardia (ねぇバーディア) will go on sale on August 11.

In addition, Negicco 12th Anniversary ~Negi Fes~ will be held on July 20 at Tokorozawakoku Memorial Park, Saitama. Okamoto’s, Triceratops and Especia will perform at the event as guests.


Idol Bakari Pizzicato – T-Palette Records × Konishi Yasuharu

Idol Bakari Pizzicato - T-Palette Records × Konishi YasuharuThe idol label T-Palette Records pays tribute to the shibuya-kei group Pizzicato Five with the compiling album entitled Idol Bakari Pizzicato -T-Palette Records × Konishi Yasuharu (アイドルばかりピチカート) which will be released on next April 22.

The idol groups of T-Palette Records perform the most popular songs of Pizzicato Five, a band from Hokkaido.

The groups are Vanilla BeansNegiccolyrical schoolOne Little Kiss and Idol Renaissance.
