Tag Archive: FruitPochette

FruitPochette – The Crest of Evil

FruitPochette - The Crest of EvilThe new album of FruitPochette The Crest of Evil will be on sale on February 25.

This is the first studio album of FruitPochette, also know as Frupoche. The idol group is back with this new disc which is their one for one year.

The CD contains 13 new songs overall. These songs are a mix of music styles like metal (band’s usual style) and j-pop.


14th Yan Yan Utau Stage in Hamamatsu

Manaminorisa, Shizuka & Kizuna, Mary Angel, IzukonekoManaminorisa, Shizuka & Kizuna, Mary Angel, Izukoneko, Smile Gakuen, Frupoche, and other idol groups will perform at the 14th Yan Yan Utau Stage in Hamamatsu! (第14回ヤンヤン歌うステージ in 浜松!).

The festival will take place on April 14 at Live House Hamamatsu Madowaku.

2 lives performances are schedule, one at noon and the other on the afternoon.


Idol Yokocho Matsuri in Ogura Aru Aru City

Idol YokochoLinQ, Party Rockets, Hime Kyun Fruit Can, Anna☆S, Izukoneko, Tokyo Cheer2 Party, MKM-Zero, Chimo, Southern★Cross, Kimitomo Candy, Lovit’s, Yamaguchi Kassei Gakuen, AsoBit☆Girls, Frupoche, and Shooting Star Girls will perform at the 2nd Idol Yokocho Matsuri in Ogura Aru Aru City (第2回アイドル横丁祭!!in 小倉あるあるcity).

The concert will be held on March 17 at Aru Aru City, Fukuoka.
