Shiritsu Ebisu Chuugaku’s live Kuruizaki Ebi Road ~Owarinaki Shinkyuu~ (狂い咲きエビィーロード ~終わりなき進級~) will be released on DVD and Blu-ray on July 24.
The DVD and the Blu-ray include the 22 songs performed by Ebichu at the live. They also contain making-of footage.
The first press editions come with a 40-page booklet and a postcard.
The concert was recorded on March 31, 2013 at Yomiuri Land East in Tokyo.
Moreover, Shiritsu Ebisu Chuugaku’s new album will go on sale on Chunin (中人) will go on sale on the same date on July 24.
- Sakura Go Round (サクラ・ゴーラウンド)
- Odoru Gariben Chuugakusei (踊るガリ勉中学生)
- Go! Go! Here We Go! Rock Lee (Go! Go! Here We Go! ロック・リー)
- Uretai Emotion! (売れたいエモーション!)
- Houkago Getabako Rock n Roll MX (放課後ゲタ箱ロッケンロールMX)
- Karikeiyaku no Cinderella (仮契約のシンデレラ)
- Daisuki Da yo (大好きだよ)
- Motto Hashire!! (もっと走れっ!!)
- Chime! (チャイム!)
- Stardust Light (スターダストライト)
- Oh my Ghost? ~Watashi ga Akuryou ni Nattemo~ (オーマイゴースト?~わたしが悪霊になっても~)
- Kindan no Karma (禁断のカルマ)
- The Tissue ~Tomaranai Seishun~ (ザ・ティッシュ~とまらない青春~)
- Te wo Tsunagou (手をつなごう)
- Ebizori Diamond!! (えびぞりダイアモンド!!)
- Ganbatteru Tochuu (頑張ってる途中)
– Encore – - Ume (梅)
- Otona wa Wakatte Kurenai (大人はわかってくれない)
- Eien ni Chuugakusei (永遠に中学生)
- Isshou Tomodachi (イッショウトモダチ)
- Mata Ashita (また明日)
- Karikeiyaku no Cinderella (仮契約のシンデレラ)