Seno Sister decided to share all their songs for free download.
The 8 songs are remastered versions including their digital singles Tonight and Jumping.
Seno Sister (せのしすたぁ) is Japanese idol group consisting of Mao, Yutan and Mika.
The aim of the staff is that they become more popular, and to attract more people at their live performances.
Thanks Seno Sister for sharing.
Please support them.
Furthermore, Seno Sister are going to participate in Tokyo Idol Festival 2015.
- Heartbreaker
- Ienai
- Jikkenteki I Love You
- Jumping
- Maybe I Like You
- Moment
- Tonight
- Download link : Mediafire
【全8曲フリーダウンロード】 せのしすたぁのフリーダウンロード曲全8曲のリマスタリング版が下記より無料でダウンロードできます。 気に入ったらライブ会場に足を運んでくれると嬉しいです。 https://t.co/kMjaF0q6gEpic.twitter.com/V1pay8y9Th
— せのしすたぁ公式 (@senosister_info) July 13, 2015

hi! I love your music! I’m at Guatemala! Central America! yes! Latin America! you have a Latin fan now! I love your live videos and music. Arigato!
こんにちは!私はあなたの音楽が大好き!私はグアテマラでよ!中央アメリカ!うん! ラテンアメリカ!あなたは今、ラテンのファンを持っています!私はあなたのライブ映像や音楽を愛します。ありがとう!