RYUTist will put on sale their new album Ryuto Geigi (柳都芸妓) on August 1st.
This is the 3rd original album of the idol group from Niigata. It will be released under the label Penguin Disc.
The members of RYUTist swapped their dresses by cute Japanese traditional kimonos on the photos.
The album will contain a total of 10 new songs.
Only one edition will be available.
Check out below the video clip of Yumemiru Hanakouji, the video in which the girls announce the release of their album and the one in which they react by seeing for the first time the cover of their album.
RYUTist appeared on a Tower Records Japan poster for a No Music, No Idol? campaign in July.
- Yanagi no Miyako (柳の都)
- Yumemiru Hanakouji (夢見る花小路)
- Omoide wa Prologue (想い出はプロローグ)
- Sandy (サンディー)
- Furumachi Boogie Woogie Douri (古町ブギウギ通り)
- Neo Furumachi Kouta (NEO古町小唄)
- Namida no Yesterday (涙のイエスタデイ)
- Watashi no ko Michi (わたしのこみち)
- Koi shite Marmalade (恋してマーマレード)
- Kuchibue Fuite (口笛吹いて)
Music Video (PV)