Rock A Japonica unveils their debut album!
It’s called Magical View and will be released on November 15th.
You can find singles from the idol group since its debut, such as : World Piece, Kyouka Shock!, Dakedo Yumemiru et Tanbarin, Rinrin.
Check out the video clip of the new song Watashi no Chizu below.
The album will be sold in 3 versions.
The normal CD will have a total of 13 songs.
The limited edition A will contain a Blu-ray containing the video clip of Watashi no Chizu, its making-of, and an additional video.
The limited edition B will contain a second CD with new songs (on the theme of education at school).
- CD
- Wolrd Piece (ワールドピース)
- Butchigiri Days!! (ぶっちぎりデイズ!!)
- Chillisu ko Doumei (Chillつ子同盟)
- Kyouka Shok! (教歌SHOCK!)
- Hōkago After School (放課後アフタースクール)
- Dakedo Yumemiru (だけどユメ見る)
- Watashi no Chizu (わたしの地図)
- Tanbarin, Rinrin (タンバリン、凛々)
- Utaitai no Uta (歌いたいのうた)
- LImited edition B CD2 (educational board)
- Wagahai wa Otome de Aru (吾輩は乙女である) / National Language
- Abraqatabra Argebra (アブラカタブラ アルジェブラ) / Mathematics
- Zenryoku Dai Jikken! (全力大実験!) / Science
- Yonaoshi Time Slip! (世直しタイムスリップ!) / Society
- NEW CROWN / English
- Kamisama ni nareru Programm (神様になれるプログラム) / Information
- Mahou no Soup (魔法のスープ) / home economics
- Retsu Sakurou ~Let’s Crow~ (烈 作郎 〜レッツクロウ〜) / Drawing
- Hara! Suji! Roku! (腹!筋!録!) / Physical education
- Dokutoku Doutoku Doctrine (独特道徳ドクトリン) / Morality
- Limited edition A Blu-ray
- Watashi no Chizu (Music Video)
- Watashi no Chizu (Makinf Of MV)
- Rock A Japonica 4th TOUR ~Revenge for 1000~ FINAL Kawasaki CLUB CITTA’ (LIVE digest image)
Video Clip (MV)