Rock A Japonica – Magical View


Rock A Japonica unveils their debut album!

It’s called Magical View and will be released on November 15th.

You can find singles from the idol group since its debut, such as : World Piece, Kyouka Shock!Dakedo Yumemiru et Tanbarin, Rinrin.

Check out the video clip of the new song Watashi no Chizu below.

The album will be sold in 3 versions.

The normal CD will have a total of 13 songs.

The limited edition A will contain a Blu-ray containing the video clip of Watashi no Chizu, its making-of, and an additional video.

The limited edition B will contain a second CD with new songs (on the theme of education at school).


  • CD
  2. Wolrd Piece (ワールドピース)
  3. WEE FIGHT OH!!!!!
  4. Butchigiri Days!! (ぶっちぎりデイズ!!)
  5. Chillisu ko Doumei (Chillつ子同盟)
  7. Kyouka Shok! (教歌SHOCK!)
  8. Hōkago After School (放課後アフタースクール)
  9. BUSY
  10. Dakedo Yumemiru (だけどユメ見る)
  11. Watashi no Chizu (わたしの地図)
  12. Tanbarin, Rinrin (タンバリン、凛々)
  13. Utaitai no Uta (歌いたいのうた)
  • LImited edition B CD2 (educational board)
  1. Wagahai wa Otome de Aru (吾輩は乙女である) / National Language
  2. Abraqatabra Argebra (アブラカタブラ アルジェブラ) / Mathematics
  3. Zenryoku Dai Jikken! (全力大実験!) / Science
  4. Yonaoshi Time Slip!  (世直しタイムスリップ!) / Society
  5. NEW CROWN / English
  6. Kamisama ni nareru Programm (神様になれるプログラム) / Information
  7. MUSIC FANTASY / Music
  8. Mahou no Soup (魔法のスープ) / home economics
  9. Retsu Sakurou ~Let’s Crow~ (烈 作郎 〜レッツクロウ〜) / Drawing
  10. Hara! Suji! Roku! (腹!筋!録!) / Physical education
  11. Dokutoku Doutoku Doctrine (独特道徳ドクトリン) / Morality
  • Limited edition A Blu-ray
  1. Watashi no Chizu (Music Video)
  2. Watashi no Chizu (Makinf Of MV)
  3. Rock A Japonica 4th TOUR ~Revenge for 1000~ FINAL Kawasaki CLUB CITTA’  (LIVE digest image)

Video Clip (MV)
