Passpo☆‘s 6th single Wing will be released on October 3.
The single was made in collaboration with German Metal.
The limited edition comes with a DVD featuring music video. It also includes a ticket for the live Passpo☆ Wing Fes Vol.3 to be held on October 8 at Zepp Tokyo.
Wing Economy Class Version (Regular Edition)
- CD
- Wing
- Dum Dum Freedom (ダムダムフリーダム)
- Wing (Instrumental)
- Dum Dum Freedom (ダムダムフリーダム) (Instrumental)
Wing First Class Version (Limited Edition)
- CD
- Wing
- Dum Dum Freedom (ダムダムフリーダム)
- Wing (Instrumental)
- Dum Dum Freedom (ダムダムフリーダム) (Instrumental)
- Wing (Music Video)
Music Video (Short ver.)