Passpo☆ released their 5th album Cinema Trip on February 15.
You can find the latest singles of the idol group like: Mr. Wednesday, Bachelorette wa Owaranai and Gimme Gimme Action / Love Refrain.
The MV PlayGround was unveiled.
The album reached 20th rank in Oricon chart.
The album is sold in two editions. The DVD of edition A contains the music video.
- CD
- Popcorn bought?
- Music Navigation
- 7’s Up (Cinema Trip Ver.)
- PlayGround
- Mr. Wednesday
- Love Refrain (ラブリフレイン)
- Nasa! ~Nan de Aistu Suki Nan da, Aa~ (NASA! ~なんであいつ好きなんだ、嗚呼~ )
- Fukutsu no Rejisutansu (不屈のレジスタンス)
- Weekday Queens
- My no Ri Tea e Low (マイノリティー・ヒーロー)
- Gimme Gimme Action (ギミギミaction)
- Film (フィルム)
- Bachelorette wa Owaranai (バチェロレッテは終わらない)
- PlayGround (Music Video)
Music Video (PV)