Takahashi Yurika, former leader of Otome Shinto, which disbanded in July after their final live performance at Tsutaya O-WEST, announced her return on stage!
Indeed, she went back to zero by founding a new idol group named Ichigo Milk Iro ni Somaritai. (いちごみるく色に染まりたい.), of which she is the leader and also producer. The group consists of herself and four other members.
The girls have just been officially introduced. They are Takahashi Yurika (高橋優里花), Yanagi Sorami (柳宙見), Ashizaka Sana (芦坂早菜), Terao Nene (寺尾音々), and Kawasaki Miyu (川崎実祐).
Ichigo Milk Iro ni Somaritai made their first appearance at Idol Koushien at Shinjuku BLAZE on November 19 in Tokyo.
Takahashi explained that she picked the name from her love of the color pink (also her color in Otome Shinto), the name of her agency Very Berry Production (“berry” for here “strawberry”), and milk because when strawberry is added to it, it turns pink.
The last part “naritai” (I want to become) was added because, according to her, a lot of the girls she found for the group expressed their wishes to become like her.
Since Otome Shinto had never been able to perform at Nippon Budokan, Takahashi said that she was determined to produce the group of Ichigo Milk Iro ni Somaritai at the famous stadium and this is the main objective of the idol group.
More informations will be revealed later.
- Source : Tokyo Girls’ Update; GirlsNews