Morning Musume ’14 Concert in New York will be held on October 5, 2014.
The concert of Morning Musume ’14 will take place at Best Buy Theater in the Broadway district in New York City, USA.
This announcement was made by Michishige Sayumi on May 5 during their live performance. She asked the fans present at the venue to come see them in the United States by all means.
This event will be the last overseas appearance of the leader of the idol group as Michishige Sayumi announced her graduation from Morning Musume ’14 and Hello! Project this autumn.
The price is 42 $ for regular tickets, and 100 $ for VIP tickets.
It is the 2nd time that Morning Musume are going to hold a live performance in USA after their participation as guests in Anime Expo in Los Angeles in 2009.
- Source : Barks

J’aurais tellement aimé les voir. Et à New York en plus, ma ville préférée.
J’espère qu’elles reviendront bientôt en France.
Leur concert donné à Japan Expo en 2010 avait été exceptionnel.
Dommage qu’il ne reste quasiment plus aucune membre de cette période.