Morning Musume (モーニング娘。) is a Japanese idol group formed in 1997. They are also known as Momusu (モー娘。).
It is part of Hello! Project and produced by Tsunku♂ (つんく♂).
Morning Musume currently consists of 13 members. Each one has been assigned a color.
It is a sister group of Berryz Kobo, °C-ute, S/mileage, Juice=Juice, and many other idol units.
The leader is Fukumura Mizuki. The sub-leaders Iikubo Haruna and Ikuta Erina.
Biography / History
In 1997, Tsunku♂ held audition to recruit a female vocalist for his rock band Sharan Q (シャ乱Q). The winner was Heike Michiyo.
A few weeks later, the 5 other finalists (Nakazawa Yuko, Abe Natsumi, Iida Kaori, Fukuda Asuka, Ishiguro Aya) were selected to debut as Morning Musume. Their challenge was to sell 50000 copies of their demo single Ai no Tane (愛の種) to continue their activities.
Morning Musume released their 1st single Morning Coffee (モーニングコーヒー) in January 1998. It ranked 6th on Oricon weekly chart.
After this success, Yaguchi Mari, Yasuda Kei and Ichii Sayaka joined the idol group as 2nd generation members.
Their 1st album First Time (ファーストタイム) was released 6 months later in July 1998.
Tanpopo (タンポポ) was their 1st sub-unit. It was formed in November 1998 and consisted of Iida Kaori, Yaguchi Mari and Ishiguro Aya.
Morning Musume’s 7th single Love Machine (Loveマシーン) sold 1,760,000 copies and topped Oricon charts in September 1999. It is still their highest-selling single as of today.
In 2000, Tsunku♂ created 3 shuffle units Akagumi4 (あか組4), Kiiro5 (黄色5) and Aoiro 7 (青色7). They consisted of members from Morning Musume and from other Hello! Project groups such as Coconuts Musume (ココナッツ娘。) and T&C Bomber. The concept was to battle together for the highest disc sales.
In April 2001, leader Nakazawa Yuko graduated to pursue her solo career.
In 2003, the idol group was split into Morning Musume Sakuragumi (モーニング娘。 さくら組), focused on traditional love songs, and Morning Musume Otomegumi (モーニング娘。おとめ組) performing pop rock song. As the roster was composed 15 girls, the idea was to create smaller sub-units in order to hold more live performance in smaller cities.
In January 2004, popular member Abe Natsumi graduated in order to focus on her soloist career.
In January 2005, their 25th single The Manpower!!! (The マンパワー!!!) was the theme song for the Japanese baseball team Tohoku Rakuten Golden Eagles (東北楽天ゴールデンイーグルス).
In April 2005, Yaguchi Mari withdrew due to a scandal. Photos showing a relationship between her and actor Oguri Shun had been published in the gossip magazine Friday.
In 2006, Morning Musume performed in the musical Ribon no Kishi (リボンの騎士). Takahashi Ai had the lead role.
In early 2007, the special unit Morning Musume Tanjou 10nen Kinentai (モーニング娘。誕生10年記念隊) was created to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the idol group. It was consisting of Kaori Iida, Natsumi Abe, Maki Goto, Risa Niigaki, and Koharu Kusumi. They were selected to symbolize each generation and each period of its history.
In March 2007, Tsunku♂ announced that 2 Chinese girls, Junjun (Li Chun) and Linlin (Quan Lin), joined Morning Musume as exchange students. His aim was to expand the activities of the idol group in Asia.
In June 2007, Fujimoto Miki resigned due to a scandal. An article published in the magazine Friday had revealed her relation with comedian Shoji Tomoharu.
In October 2007, the members went to South Korea and Taiwan to promote the album Morning Musume All Singles Complete ~10th Anniversary~. They participated in press conferences, TV and radio shows, and handshaking sessions with the fans. These events were their first appearances in a foreign country.
The idol unit held a concert in Taipei, Taiwan, in May 2008. It was their first live performance outside Japan.
Morning Musume participated in Anime Expo 2009 in Los Angeles, USA, in July 2009.
One year later, the idol group was the guest of honor of Japan Expo 2010 in Paris Nord Villepinte, France, in July 2010.
In late 2010, Dream Morning Musume were formed. They are composed of former Morning Musume members Nakazawa Yuko, Iida Kaori, Abe Natsumi, Yasuda Kei, Yaguchi Mari, Ishikawa Rika, Yoshizawa Hitomi, Ogawa Makoto, Fujimoto Miki, and Koharu Kusumi. They released the album Dorimusu 1 (ドリムス。①) in April 2011.
In December 2010, Junjun and Linlin graduated to pursue their careers in China.
In April 2011, the show UstreaMusume started broadcasting on Ustream to introduce the 9th generation members Fukumura Mizuki, Sayashi Riho, Ikuta Erina, and Suzuki Kanon.
In September 2011, the 10th generation members Kudo Haruka, Iikubo Haruna, Ishida Ayumi, and Sato Masaki were added.
Their 50th single One Two Three / The Matenrou Show (One・Two・Three/The 摩天楼ショー) was released in July 2012.
Tanaka Reina graduated in May 2013. She formed the female rock band LoVendoЯ along with 3 other girls.
In December 2013, Tsunku♂ announced that the idol group changed its name to Morning Musume ’14 and that its name will change yearly. The idea is to help the fans to know whic period the songs and the members belong to.
In early 2014, Morning Musume ’14 and the comedy duo Morisanchu (森三中) formed the special unit Morimusu (モリ娘。). They collaborated together to promote the campaign of the Japanese mobile phone company au about student discount. The members even turned into grandmothers for a TV CM.
Ogata Haruna, Nonaka Miki, Haga Akane, Makino Maria became Morning Musume 12th generation members in September 2014. Haga Akane and Makino Maria are former Hello! Pro Kenshuusei.
The idol group gave a concert in New York, USA, in October 2014.
Michishige Sayumi graduated in autumn 2014. She is the member with the longest tenure with a total of 4329 days.
Suzuki Kanon’s radio show Kannon Smile (カンノンスマイル) is broadcast on CBC Radio since December 2014.
Morning Musume ’15 performed the theme song for the movie PreCure All Stars Haru no Carnival (映画プリキュアオールスターズ 春のカーニバル♪) which is going to be released in March 2015. The song is titled Ima Koko Kara (イマココカラ). It is available on Morning Musume’s 58th single Seishun Kozou ga Naiteiru / Yuugure wa Ameagari / Ima Koko Kara.
Iikubo Haruna, Ishida Ayumi and Oda Sakura have done voice acting in the PreCure movie.
Sayashi Riho graduated from Morning Musume ’16 and Hello! Project in December 2015 in order to study abroad.
Tsunku wrote the lyrics and composed the music of the 3 songs of their 60th single Tsumetai Kaze to Kataomoi / Endless Sky / One and Only released in December 2015. The latter was the opening theme for the TV show J-Melo on NHK World.
Nonaka Miki suffered fractured left foot in February 2016. She had to take a rest for 4 weeks.
In February 2016, Nonaka Miki started English narration for the information program ch223 2016 The Best Graduation trip in Japan!? (ch223 2016 日本一の卒業旅行!?) airing on Pink!ss Channel. She grew up in the United States, and she lived there 8 years.
Morning Musume ’16 gave a concert in Houston, USA, in February 2016. They were the guests of Anime Matsuri.
The members of the idol group made an appearance in TV Tokyo’s drama Sono “Okodawari”, Watashi ni mo Kure yo!! (その「おこだわり」、私にもくれよ!!) in March 2016.
Suzuki Kanon graduated in May, on the last day of Morning Musume ’16 Spring 2016 Concert Tour at Nippon Budokan. For the future, she wants to have a job related to the welfare.
The idol group’s 61st single Utaka Saturday Night / The Vision / Tokyo to Iu Katasumi (泡沫サタデーナイト / The Vision / Tokyoという片隅), on sale in May 2016, is the last one featuring Suzuki Kanon.
The girls were starring in the stage play Zoku 11 Nin Iru! Higashi no Chihei Nishi no Towa (続・11人いる!東の地平・西の永遠) in June 2016. The story is based on the manga of the same name by Hagio Moto.
Momosu’s 62nd single Sou Janai / Sexy Cast no Enzetsu / Mukidashi de Mukiatte (そうじゃない/セクシーキャットの演説/ムキダシで向き合って) was released in November 2016.
In December 2016, their live performance scheduled in Hokkaido was cancelled due to bad weather. The plane carrying the girls was prevented from landing at Sapporo airport because of the snow. The event was part of Morning Musume ’16 Autumn Concert Tour ~My Vision~.
Morning Musume 13th generation members Kaga Kaede and Yokoyama Reina were introduced in December 2016.
- Morning Musume (モーニング娘。)
- Years active : 1997 – present
- Label : Zetima
- Agency : Up-Front
- Fukumura Mizuki (譜久村聖) – Hot Pink
- Ikuta Erina (生田衣梨奈) – Yellow-Green
- Iikubo Haruna (飯窪春菜) – Honey Yellow
- Ishida Ayumi (石田亜佑美) – Royal Blue
- Sato Masaki (佐藤優樹) – Emerald Green
- Kudo Haruka (工藤遥) – Orange
- Oda Sakura (小田さくら) – Lavender
- Ogata Haruna (尾形春水) – Sea Blue
- Nonaka Miki (野中美希) – Purple
- Makino Maria (牧野真莉愛) – Light Pink
- Haga Akane (羽賀朱音) – Light Orange
- Kaga Kaede (加賀楓)
- Yokoyama Reina (横山玲奈)
Former Members
- Fukuda Asuka (福田明日香)
- Ishiguro Aya (石黒彩)
- Ichii Sayaka (市井紗耶香)
- Nakazawa Yuko (中澤裕子)
- Goto Maki (後藤真希)
- Yasuda Kei (保田圭)
- Abe Natsumi (安倍なつみ)
- Tsuji Nozomi (辻希美)
- Kago Ai (加護亜依)
- Iida Kaori (飯田圭織)
- Yaguchi Mari (矢口真里)
- Ishikawa Rika (石川梨華)
- Konno Asami (紺野あさ美)
- Ogawa Makoto (小川麻琴)
- Yoshizawa Hitomi (吉澤ひとみ)
- Fujimoto Miki (藤本美貴)
- Kusumi Koharu (久住小春)
- Kamei Eri (亀井絵里)
- Junjun (ジュンジュン)
- Linlin (リンリン)
- Takahashi Ai (高橋愛)
- Niigaki Risa (新垣里沙)
- Mitsui Aika (光井愛佳)
- Tanaka Reina (田中れいな)
- Michishige Sayumi (道重さゆみ)
- Sayashi Riho (鞘師里保)
- Suzuki Kanon (鈴木香音)
- 03/11/1997 : Ai no Tane (愛の種)
- 28/01/1998 : Morning Coffee (モーニングコーヒー)
- 27/05/1998 : Summer Night Town (サマーナイトタウン)
- 09/09/1998 : Daite Hold on Me! (抱いて Hold on Me!)
- 10/02/1999 : Memory Seishun no Hikari (Memory 青春の光)
- 12/05/1999 : Manatsu no Kousen (真夏の光線)
- 14/07/1999 : Furusato (ふるさと)
- 09/09/1999 : Love Machine (Love マシーン)
- 26/01/2000 : Koi no Dance Site (恋のダンスサイト)
- 17/05/2000 : Happy Summer Wedding (ハッピーサマーウェディング)
- 06/09/2000 : I Wish
- 13/12/2000 : Renai Revolution 21 (恋愛レボリューション21)
- 25/07/2001 : The ☆ Peace! (ザ☆ピ~ス!)
- 31/10/2001 : Mr. Moonlight ~Ai no Big Band~ (Mr.Moonlight ~愛のビッグバンド~)
- 20/02/2002 : Souda! We’re Alive (そうだ! We’re Alive)
- 24/07/2002 : Do It! Now
- 30/10/2002 : Koko ni Iruzee! (ここにいるぜぇ!)
- 19/02/2003 : Morning Musume no Hyokkori Hyoutanjima (モーニング娘。のひょっこりひょうたん島)
- 23/04/2003 : As for One Day
- 30/07/2003 : Shabondama (シャボン玉)
- 06/11/2003 : Go Girl ~Koi no Victory~ (Go Girl ~恋のヴィクトリー~)
- 21/01/2004 : Ai Araba It’s All Right(愛あらば It’s All Right)
- 12/05/2004: Roman ~My Dear Boy~ (浪漫 ~My Dear Boy~)
- 22/07/2004 : Joshi Kashimashi Monogatari (女子かしまし物語)
- 03/11/2004 : Namida ga Tomaranai Houkago (涙が止まらない放課後)
- 19/01/2005 : The Manpower!!! (The マンパワー!!!)
- 27/04/2005 : Osaka Koi no Uta (大阪 恋の歌)
- 27/07/2005 : Iroppoi Jirettai (色っぽい じれったい)
- 09/11/2005 : Chokkan 2 ~Nogashita Sakana wa Ookiizo!~ (直感2 ~逃した魚は大きいぞ!~)
- 15/03/2006 : Sexy Boy ~Soyokaze ni Yorisotte~ (Sexy Boy ~そよ風に寄り添って~)
- 21/06/2006 : Ambitious! Yashinteki de Ii Jan (Ambitious! 野心的でいいじゃん)
- 08/11/2006 : Aruiteru (歩いてる)
- 14/02/2007 : Egao Yes Nude (笑顔 Yes ヌード)
- 25/04/2007 : Kanashimi Twilight (悲しみトワイライト)
- 25/07/2007 : Onna ni Sachi Are (女に 幸あれ)
- 21/11/2007 : Mikan (みかん)
- 16/04/2008 : Resonant Blue (リゾナント ブルー)
- 24/09/2008 : Pepper Keibu (ペッパー警部)
- 18/02/2009 : Naichau Kamo (泣いちゃうかも)
- 13/05/2009 : Shouganai Yume Oibito (しょうがない 夢追い人)
- 12/08/2009 : Nanchatte Renai (なんちゃって恋愛)
- 28/10/2009 : Kimagure Princess (気まぐれプリンセス)
- 10/02/2010 : Onna ga Medatte Naze Ikenai (女が目立って なぜイケナイ)
- 09/06/2010 : Seishun Collection (青春コレクション)
- 17/11/2010 : Onna to Otoko no Lullaby Game (女と男のララバイゲーム)
- 06/04/2011 : Maji Desu ka Ska! (まじですかスカ!)
- 15/06/2011 : Only you
- 14/09/2011 : Kono Chikyuu no Heiwa wo Honki de Negatterun da yo! / Kare to Issho ni Omise ga Shitai (この地球の平和を本気で願ってるんだよ!/彼と一緒にお店がしたい)
- 25/01/2012 : Pyoco Pyoco Ultra (ピョコピョコウルトラ)
- 11/04/2012 : Renai Hunter (恋愛ハンター )
- 04/07/2012 : One・Two・Three / The Matenrou Show (One・Two・Three / The 摩天楼ショー)
- 10/10/2012 : Waruteka Take a Chance (ワクテカ Take a Chance)
- 23/01/2013 : Help Me!!
- 17/04/2013 : Brainstorming / Kimi Sae Ireba Nanimo Iranai (ブレインストーミング / 君さえ居れば何も要らない)
- 28/08/2013 : Wagamama Ki no Mama Ai no Joke / Ai no Gundan (わがまま 気のまま 愛のジョーク / 愛の軍団)
- 29/01/2014 : Egao no Kimi wa Taiyou / Kimi no Kawari wa Iyashinai / What Is Love? (笑顔の君は太陽 / 君の代わりは居やしない / What Is Love?)
- 16/04/2014 : Toki wo Koe Sora wo Koe / Password Is 0 (時空を超え 宇宙を超え / Password Is 0)
- 15/10/2014 : Tiki Bun / Shabadaba Doo / Mikaeri Bijin (Tiki Bun / シャバダバ ドゥ~ / 見返り美人)
- 15/04/2015 : Seishun Kozou ga Naiteiru / Yuugure wa Ameagari / Ima Koko Kara (青春小僧が泣いている / 夕暮れは雨上がり / イマココカラ)
- 09/08/2015 : Oh my Wish! / Sukatto my Heart / Ima Sugu Tobikomu Yuuki (Oh my Wish! / スカッとMy Heart / 今すぐ飛び込む勇気)
- 29/12/2015 : Tsumetai Kaze to Kataomoi (冷たい風と片思い) / Endless Sky / One and Only
- 11/05/2016 : Utaka Saturday Night / The Vision / Tokyo to Iu Katasumi (泡沫サタデーナイト / The Vision / Tokyoという片隅)
- 23/11/2016 : Sou Janai / Sexy Cast no Enzetsu / Mukidashi de Mukiatte (そうじゃない/セクシーキャットの演説/ムキダシで向き合って)
Other Singles
- 01/12/2004 : All for One & One for All! (All for One & One for All!) (H.P. All Star)
- 27/10/2010 : Appare Kaiten Zushi! (あっぱれ回転ずし!) (Muten Musume)
- 16/11/2011 : Busu ni Naranai Tetsugaku (ブスにならない哲学) (Hello! Project Mobekimasu)
- 08/07/1998 : First Time (ファーストタイム)
- 28/07/1999 : Second Morning (セカンドモーニング)
- 29/03/2000 : 3rd ~Love Paradise~ (3rd ~Love パラダイス~)
- 27/03/2002 : 4th Ikimasshoi! (4th いきまっしょい!)
- 26/03/2003 : No.5
- 08/12/2004 : Ai no Dai 6 Kan (愛の第6感)
- 15/02/2006 : Rainbow 7 (レインボー7)
- 21/03/2007 : Sexy 8 Beat
- 18/03/2009 : Platinum 9 Disc (プラチナ 9 Disc)
- 17/03/2010 : 10 My Me
- 01/12/2010 : Fantasy! Juuichi (Fantasy! 拾壱)
- 12/10/2011 : 12, Smart (12,スマート)
- 12/09/2012 : 13 Colorful Character (13 カラフルキャラクター)
- 29/10/2014 : 14 Shou ~The message~ (14章~The message~)
- 13/12/2006 : 7.5 Fuyu Fuyu Morning Musume Mini! (7.5冬冬モーニング娘。ミニ!)
Best of Albums
- 31/01/2001 : Best! Morning Musume 1 (ベスト! モーニング娘。1)
- 31/03/2004 : Best! Morning Musume 2 (ベスト! モーニング娘。2)
- 15/12/2004 : Morning Musume Early Single Box (モーニング娘。 Early Single Box)
- 24/10/2007 : Morning Musume All Singles Complete ~10th Anniversary~ (モーニング娘。 All Singles Complete ~10th Anniversary~)
- 07/10/2009 : Morning Musume Zen Single Coupling Collection (モーニング娘。 全シングル カップリングコレクション)

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