Lyrical School‘s new album Spot will be released on March 10.
The CD contains 13 songs including the latest singles of the idol rap unit Waratte.net, Brand New Day, Fresh!! and Pride.
The PV for their new song I.D.O.L.R.A.P has been unveiled.
This is the first album of Lyrical School to be released for a year and a half.
The lyrics of I.D.O.L.R.A.P were written by Ali-Kick (Romancrew). He has also composed the music.
Other songwriters such as tofubeats, Little, Illreme, Kenichiro Nishihara… collaborated with the unit for the other tracks.
Moreover, Lyrical School Oneman Live 2014 at Liquidroom is on sale since January 27.
- I.D.O.L.R.A.P
- -4years-
- FRESH!!!
- Rainbow Disco (レインボーディスコ)
- brand new day
- -8 p.m.-
- Gekka Bijin (月下美人)
- Yume de Aitai ne (ゆめであいたいね)
- Waratte.net (わらって.net) album ver.
– bonus track – - S.T.A.G.E take2
Music Video (PV)