i☆Ris 1st Anniversary Live will be released on DVD on March 26.
The DVD includes 15 songs performed by i☆Ris at the live. As its title suggests, this event celebrated the 1st anniversary of the idol group. It has a total of 120-minute footage.
The concert was held on November 9, 2013 at Harajuku Astro Hall in Tokyo.
700 fans attended the event.
- Color
- We Are! (ウィーア―!)
- Ichizu (イチズ)
- Ramune Sunset (らむねサンセット)
- Saikou Para Parade (最強パレパレード)
- Oja Majo Carnival!! (おジャ魔女カーニバル!!)
- Edge of Heaven
- Last Moment
- Seikan Hikou (星間飛行)
- Fantasia Wonderland (幻想曲Wonderland)
- Susume Adventure (進めアバンチュール)
- i☆Doloid
- §Rainbow
– Encore – - Moshimo Mainichi ga Christmas Dattara (もしも毎日がクリスマスだったら)
- Everybody Let’s Go!