Japan’s top maid cafe chain maidreamin participated in Fan Expo Canada 2018 in Toronto.
maidreamin members Peace, Mariru and Hima took part in fan Q&As, autograph and photo sessions, and live concerts.
Check out our interview with these 3 cute Japanese maids who came to share their culture.
Could you please introduce yourselves?
Peace: Hi I’m Peace. I’m the “moe kawaii” girl of maidreamin. I love Pokémon and everything in pink.
Mariru: I’m Mariru. I’m the general manager of maidreamin. I’ve been working with maidreamin 8 years, and I’m also known as the party girl of maidreamin. I love when customers visit us for the first time and forget about their normal lives and enjoy themselves in our dreamland.
Hima: I’m Hima, I usually work in the Kokura Auracity store in Fukuoka. I will heal my master’s heart with my shining smile. I’m the sunflower of maidreamin. Please call me “Himarin”!
What is the concept of maidreamin?
Peace: maidreamin’s dreamland is inside of everybody’s heart. Anyone in any kind of mood will be happy here. When you’re having a tough day at school or at work, you can come to maidreamin and heal yourself and have lots of fun.
Hima: maidreamin is the place where you can come for magic moments, happiness, and smiles. It’s a place you can always count on to make your day better.
Mariru: It’s the place away from your family and friends where you can join a whole new community. Social status doesn’t matter here. Everyone is welcome and ready to have fun together. We’ve seen so many people create friendships here with masters and princesses who might not have met in their regular lives.
For new visitors to maidreamin, how should they begin their journey into the dreamland?
Peace: We always do our best to break the ice with our Masters and Princesses. It’s OK if you feel a little bit shy, we’ll try to make you comfortable right away. I recommend the “love cocktail” or the “debut set” that with one of our special desserts and the cheki photo with your favorite maid and a souvenir! It will make your first visit a really special memory!
Mariru: I want my masters and princesses to enjoy the magic spell we put on the food. We’ll teach you so you can say it with us! It’s the kind of thing you never do in your normal life, and it’s a really sweet experience to share together.
Hima: Please try to talk a lot with us. The more we can get to know you, the more we can entertain you. Let’s start a real connection!
What do you enjoy about bringing Akihabara maid culture to overseas fans?
Peace: Whenever we visit an overseas event, usually people are looking at us from a little bit of a distance. I can see on their faces that they’re thinking “What’s this?” But during the event, they start coming closer to us and meeting us and then at the live performance they just let themselves have fun. I’m happy to see that transformation. I want everyone to know how much fun maid culture really is.
Mariru: This is our third year now traveling overseas and performing. I feel like the fans of maid culture are increasing more and more, and when we travel, we get to meet all these new masters and princesses from different countries who are finding this special culture and enjoying it. That makes me so excited.
Hima: Everything is so exciting. This is my very first time to travel overseas, and I can’t wait to interact with the masters and princesses in Canada. Even though we don’t speak the same language, everyone can relate to “moe” and “kawaii”.
How do you feel about performing abroad?
Peace: Fan Expo Canada is my fifth event overseas, and my 30th concert overseas. Every place, each concert is always so special. Every year I really feel that the numbers of masters and princesses are increasing and more people are learning about us. It used to feel strange to perform away from Japan, but now I feel like wherever our master and princesses have come to join us is a new “home base” for us!
Hima: Again it’s my first time. I thought I would be nervous, but actually I’m so excited. I hope many people will like our performance and remember our name.
Mariru: This is my third time performing abroad. It makes me happy when I see a person who’s never seen us before come to our event and immediately start laughing and waving her light stick and singing with us. And when they call me by my name, it means we’ve really connected. It makes me really happy and I can’t wait to experience that again.
Links :
- Website (English): https://maidreamin.com/multilp
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/maidcafe.maidreamin
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/maidreamin
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maidreamin
- https://twitter.com/peace__md
- https://twitter.com/mariru_md
- https://twitter.com/hima_md


