Hachikin Girls’ new single Bouken Hajimaru (冒険はじまる。) will be released on February 12.
This is the 6th single from Hachikin Girls. Only one edition is available.
The CD contains 5 tracks including the karaoke version of the title song Bouken Hajimaru (冒険はじまる。).
The coupling track is the image song for Kaiyodo (海洋堂). It is a Japanese company that makes figurines and garage kits.
- Bouken Hajimaru (冒険はじまる。)
- That’s! Kaiyodo (ザッツ!Kaiyodo)
- Hobby Kan de Macchiyukine (ホビー館で待っちゆきね)
- Kappararan (かっぱららん)
- Bouken Hajimaru (冒険はじまる。) (Instrumental)