Especia‘s new EP Amarga will be released on May 22.
2 editions entitled Noche and Tarde are available. Only 2 songs are different for each tracklist.
It is the 2nd EP from Especia.
The CD contains 9 tracks including a reprise of the title song.
Moreover, a limited edition of Especia’s debut single Dulce is on sale since March 25.
Amarga -Noche-
- Amarga
- Twilight Palm Beach (トワイライト・パームビーチ)
- Sensual Game (センシュアルゲーム)
- Midas Touch
- Interlude
- Parliament (パーラメント)
- Stereo Highway (ステレオ・ハイウェイ)
- Fukigen Rendez-vous (不機嫌ランデブー)
- Amarga (Reprise)
Amarga -Tarde-
- Amarga
- Twilight Palm Beach (トワイライト・パームビーチ)
- Sensual Game (センシュアルゲーム)
- Sky Time (スカイタイム)
- Interlude
- Parliament (パーラメント)
- Orange Fast Lane
- Fukigen Rendez-vous (不機嫌ランデブー)
- Amarga (Reprise)
Especia – Parliament (Music Video)