
Babyraids – Koyomi no Ue deha December

Babyraids - Koyomi no Ue deha DecemberBabyraids’ 5th single Koyomi no Ue deha December (暦の上ではディセンバー) will be released on September 11.

The CD contains only one song and its instrumental version.

The single also includes a bonus DVD with the dance shot version of the music video.

Koyomi no Ue deha December (暦の上ではディセンバー) is an insert song from the TV drama Amachan (あまちゃん) broadcast on NHK.


Sketch – Ame Nochi Hare

Sketch - Ame Nochi HareSketch will release their new single Ame Nochi Hare (雨のち晴れ) on August 21.

It is the 4th single from Sketch.

This CD celebrates their 4th anniversary.

The lyrics were written by the members of the idol group from Osaka.


Aoyama Saint Hachamecha High School – Summer of Love

Aoyama Saint Hachamecha High School - Summer of LoveAoyama Saint Hachamecha High School’s new single Summer of Love (サマーオブラブ) will be released on August 20.

This is the 3rd single from Aoyama Saint Hachamecha High School.

The CD includes 3 different songs. Only one edition is available.

A promotional video by the members of the idol group has been released.


Whip Girls – Kirari Seishun / Believe in Yourself

Whip Girls - Kirari Seishun / Believe in YourselfWhip Girls’ new single Kirari Seishun / Believe in Yourself (きらり☆青春 / Believe in Yourself) will be released on August 28.

This double A-side single includes 2 songs and their instrumental version.

It is the 3rd CD from Whip Girls.


Kurikamaki – Analog Ma Girl

Kurikamaki - Analog Ma GirlKurikamaki’s new single Analog Ma Girl (アナログマガール) will be released on August 21.

This is the debut single from Kurikamaki.

The CD contains 3 songs and their instrumental versions. Only one edition is available.


Maeda Atsuko – Time Machine Nante Iranai

Maeda Atsuko - Time Machine Nante IranaiMaeda Atsuko’s new solo single Time Machine Nante Iranai (タイムマシンなんていらない) will be released on September 18.

The CD contains 6 tracks. The coupling song is different depending on the version.

The Type A, B and C editions include a DVD with the music video and other bonus footage.

It is the 3rd solo single of the former member of AKB48 Maeda Atsuko.

It is used as the theme song for the TV drama Yamada-Kun to 7 Nin no Majo (山田くんと7人の魔女).


Anna☆S – Datte Love Me Do

Anna☆SAnna☆S will release their new single Datte Love Me Do (だってLove Me Do) on September 24.

The CD includes 2 songs and their instrumental versions.

It is the 9th single of Anna☆S.

Check out the music video.


Karat – Hikari / Kara Koro Shuppon

Karat - Hikari / Kara Koro ShupponKarat☆‘s new single Hikari / Kara Koro Shuppon (光 / から☆コロ☆しゅっぽん) will be released on August 21.

This is the 3rd single from Karat☆. It is a double A-side.

Hikari (光) is the first rock ballad from the idol group.

The MVs have been released.
