
Mito Gotochi Idol – Torehai

Mito Gotochi Idol - TorehaiMito Gotochi Idol’s new single Torehai! (トレハイ!) will be released on November 4.

This is the 2nd single from Mito Gotochi Idol. Only one edition is available.

The CD contains 2 songs, their instrumental versions, and bonus tracks including a new version of Nebappe☆Mitoppo and messages from the members of the idol group.


Otome Shinto – Ojuken Rock’n’Roll

Otome Shinto - Ojuken Rock'n'RollOtome Shinto’s 3rd single Ojuken Rock’n’Roll (お受験ロッケンロール) will be released on November 27.

The theme of the title song Ojuken Rock’n’Roll is the school examination period.

The limited editions come with a DVD featuring the music video and bonus footage.

Check out the music video.


Band Ja Naimon! – Yuki Furu Yoru ni Kiss Shite

Band Ja Naimon! - Yukifuru Yoru ni Kiss ShiteBand Ja Naimon! will release their new single Yuki Furu Yoru ni Kiss Shite (雪降る夜にキスして) on December 18.

3 editions are available. The tracklist is the same for each one of them. They have different covers designed by Steve Nakamura and Ai Madonna (愛☆まどんな).

The music video has been revealed.


Idoling!!! – Shout!!!

Idoling!!! - Shout!!!Idoling!!! will release their new single Shout!!! (シャウト!!!) on November 13.

It is the 21st single from Idoling!!!. The main vocalists are Sakai Hitomi, Asai Nao, Kikuchi Ami, Hashimoto Kaede, and Tamagawa Ramu.

3 editions are available. The coupling songs are different for each one of them.

The limited editions come with either a DVD or a Blu-ray featuring various versions of the music video, making-of, and bonus footage.


Idoling Neo – Mero Mero

Idoling Neo - Mero MeroIdoling Neo will release their 1st single Mero Mero on November 13.

Idoling Neo is a new unit consisting of 7 members from Idoling!!! including Ito Yuna, Goto Kaoru, and the 5 new ones Furuhashi Mayu, Sekiya Mayu, Hashimoto Ruka, Sato Rena, Sato Michaela Shizuko.

3 editions are available.

The limited editions include a DVD with the music video, the making-of, and bonus footage. They come with a trading card and a ticket for an event.


Kus Kus – Suteki na Takaramono

Kus KusKus Kus will release their new single Suteki na Takaramono (ステキな宝物) on November 6.

It is the debut single from Kus Kus under the label Universal Music.

The music video has been revealed.


AeLL – Aozora / Kizuna

AeLL - Aozora / KizunaAeLL’s new single Aozora / Kizuna (青空 / 絆) was released on October 27.

This single is an edition limited to 1000 copies. It is only on sale on Shining Will online shop.

It is the official theme song for the 5th Shimada Oigawa Marathon in Liberty (第五回 しまだ大井川マラソンinリバティ).


SKE48 – Sansei Kawaii

SKE48 - Sansei KawaiiSKE48’s 13th single Sansei Kawaii! (賛成カワイイ!) will be released on November 20.

4 versions are available. Each one of them includes 4 songs. They come with a DVD featuring 2 music videos and bonus footage.

The coupling tracks are performed by the sub-units Aichi Toyota Senbatsu, Selection 18, Da~Su~ & Tsu~Ma~, Selection 8, Shirogumi, and Akagumi.

The list of the senbatsu members and the other line-ups have also been revealed.

The special edit version of the music video have been released.


Momoiro Clover Z – Gounn

Momoiro Clover Z - GounnMomoiro Clover Z will release their new single Gounn on November 6.

It is the 10th single from MomoClo. It is the first one to be released for approximately one year.

2 editions are available. The limited edition includes a bonus DVD with the music video.

A special website has been opened :

The coupling track Momoiro Taiko Dodon-ga Bushi (ももいろ太鼓どどんが節) is a tie-up song coming from a collaboration between Momoiro Clover Z and the video game Taiko no Tatsujin (太鼓の達人) on Wii U.
