
Idol Class – Happy Christmas -Da Da Da Daijou v-

Idol Class (Idol Kyoshitsu) - Happy Christmas -Da Da Da Daijou v-Idol Class (Idol Kyoshitsu) released their new single Happy Christmas -Da Da Da Daijou v- (ハッピークリスマス -だだだ大丈v-) on December 3.

This is the 3rd single from Idol Class, also know as Idol Kyoshitsu. As its title suggests, it is a Christmas song.

The music video has also been released.


Uehara Mao – Christmas no Yoru ni…

Uehara Mao - Christmas no Yoru ni...Uehara Mao’s new single Christmas no Yoru ni… (クリスマスの夜に…) will be released on December 8.

This is the 2nd solo single from Uehara Mao. 3 editions are available.

The CD will be on sale at the live event Finolia Factory Holiday Special Vol.67 which will be held on December 8 at Garret Udagawa.


Lyrical School – / My Kawaii Nichijoutachi

Lyrical SchoolLyrical School’s new single / My Kawaii Nichijoutachi (わらって.net / Myかわいい日常たち) will be released on December 11.

This is a double A-side single. 2 versions are available.

The limited edition includes 2 bonus tracks recorded during at the live Date Course Special Tour Final held at Shibuya Museum Sound Vision on November 3.

The music video has been released.



BiS (Brand-new Idol Society)BiS will release their new single STUPiG on January 22.

STUPiG is described as a “digital hardcore” tune. It is produced by Ueda Takeshi (AA=).

The coupling track Odd Future is a rock song. It is produced by Matsukuma Kenta (Scrambles).

The music video for STUPiG has been revealed. The members of BiS wear strange costumes in a cyberpunk universe.

The MV for Odd Future has been released. There are 6 versions, whether one for each member of the idol group (Pour Lui, Hirano Nozomi, First Summer Uika, Tentenko, Kamiya Saki, Koshoji Megumi).


GEM – We’re GEM

GEM - We're GEMGEM’s new single We’re GEM! will be released on January 1.

This is their major debut single under the label iDOL Street.

We’re GEM! is described as a fresh and catchy song. The music video has been released.

The regular edition includes the coupling song Pan-Paka-Pan! performed by GEM. It is the opening theme song for the anime Hanakappa (はなかっぱ) broadcast on NHK Eテレ.


JKT48 – Manatsu no Sounds Good! / Musim Panas Sounds Good!

JKT48 - Manatsu no Sounds Good! / Musim Panas Sounds Good!JKT48’s 4th single Manatsu no Sounds Good! / Musim Panas Sounds Good! was released on November 26.

As its title suggests, this single includes the Indonesian and English versions of AKB48’s hit song Manatsu no Sounds Good! (真夏のSounds Good!) performed by JKT48.

10 members from Team J and 6 from Team KIII have been chosen has senbatsu.


RynRyn Drop – Ikiru Tenshi

RynRyn Drop - Ikiru TenshiRynRyn Drop’s new single Ikiru Tenshi (生きる天使) will be released on December 11.

Only one edition is available. The CD includes 2 songs.

On this single, the members of RynRyn Drop are turning into angels to show a new side of the idol group and to perform a fun song.


S/mileage – Eeka!? / Iiyatsu

S/mileage - Iiyatsu / Eeka!?S/mileage’s 15th single Eeka!? / Iiyatsu (ええか!? / 「良い奴」) will be released on December 18.

This is a double A-side single. Eeka!? is a song mixing rap and pop. Iiyatsu is a love song.

The limited editions include a DVD featuring various versions of the music videos, the making-of, and bonus footage. They come with a lottery ticket for a handshake event.

Both MVs have been released with English and Japanese subtitles.
