
NMB48 – Takane no Ringo

NMB48 - Takane no RingoNMB48’s 9th single Takane no Ringo (高嶺の林檎) will be released on March 26.

The MV, the tracklist, and the covers for Takane no Ringo have been revealed.

The list of the 16 Senbatsu members on NMB48’s 9th single has also been unveiled. The centers are Yamamoto Sayaka and Watanabe Miyuki.

(more…) – Sakura Apparition - Sakura’s new single Sakura Apparition (サクラあっぱれーしょん) will be released on March 12.

The coupling song Fancy Hoppe U Fu Fu (ファンシーほっぺ♡ウ・フ・フ) and the CD cover artwork were made in collaboration between and popular lollipop candy brand Chupa Chups (チュッパチャプス).

The MV has been released.


Juice=Juice – Hadaka no Hadaka no Hadaka no Kiss / Arekore Shitai

Juice=Juice - Hadaka no Hadaka no Hadaka no Kiss / Arekore ShitaiJuice=Juice’s new single Hadaka no Hadaka no Hadaka no Kiss / Arekore Shitai (裸の裸の裸のkiss / アレコレしたい) will be released on March 19.

This is the 3rd single from Juice=Juice under major label.

Hadaka no Hadaka no Hadaka no Kiss is inspired by Latin music.

The MV have been released.
