
Endo Mai – Baby Love

Endo Mai (遠藤舞)Endo Mai‘s new single Baby Love will be released on August 6.

This is the 3rd solo single from former Idoling!!! member Endo Mai.


Grazie – Chutto Kiss

Grazie - Chutto KissGrazie‘s new single Chutto Kiss (チュットキッス) will be released on June 16.

This is the 2nd single from Grazie.

A video of the coupling song Gozaru! (ござる!) recorded at a live performance has been released.


Hime Carat – Setsunakute Honoka ni Amai Destiny

Hime Carat - Setsunakute Honoka ni Amai DestinyHime Carat‘s 3rd single Setsunakute Honoka ni Amai Destiny (切なくてほのかに甘い運命(デスティニー)) will be released on June 18.

Idol rock band Hime Carat worked in collaboration with the songwriter Urino Masao on this long-awaited single.

The MV has been released.


NMB48 – Ibiza Girl

NMB48NMB48‘s 10th single Ibiza Girl (イビサガール) will be released on June 21 on iTunes Store.

The list of the 22 Senbatsu members has been unveiled on May 22 on the 2nd day of NMB48 Request Hour Setlist Best 50 2014 (NMB48リクエストアワー セットリストベスト50 2014).

The MV has been released.


LinQ – Natsu Koi

LinQLinQ‘s new single Natsu Koi (ナツコイ) will be released on July 30.

This is the 4th major single from LinQ. It is the idol group summer anthem.
