
Pink Babies – Wanted

Pink Babies - WantedPink Babies‘ new single Wanted (ウォンテッド(指名手配)) was released on July 16.

This is the debut single from Pink Babies.

Check out the music video and the trailer.


nanoCUNE – Tempra

nanoCUNE - TemprananoCUNE‘s new single Tempra (テンプラ) will be release on July 9.

This is the 4th single from nanoCUNE and their first one for almost one year.

The MV has been released.


Nogizaka46 – Natsu no Free & Easy

Nogizaka46 - Natsu no Free & EasyNogizaka46‘s 9th single Natsu no Free & Easy (夏のFree&Easy) will be released on July 9.

The list of the 16 Senbatsu members has been unveiled on May 11 on their variety show Nogizaka tte, Doko? (乃木坂って、どこ?).

SKE48’s Matsui Rena is in the line-up. The center is still Nishino Nanase.


SKE48 – Bukiyou Taiyou

SKE48 - Bukiyou TaiyouSKE48‘s 15th single Bukiyou Taiyou (不器用太陽) will be released on July 30.

The list of the 20 Senbatsu members has been unveiled.

An introduction video by the members of SKE48 and the MV have been released.


Splash Revolution – Meippai Hashaija Yeah

Splash Revolution - Meippai Hashaija YeahSplash Revolution‘s debut single Meippai Hashaija Yeah!! (めいっぱいはしゃいじゃYeah!!) was released on June 25.

Splash Revolution (すぷらっしゅレボリューション) is a new sub-unit of HR (Hakata Reboot) consisting of 3 members from the idol group : Kunimoto Marina, Kobayashi Mayu, Yasuda Rei.

The MV has been unveiled.
