
Idol College – True End Player

Idol College - True End PlayerIdol College‘s new single True End Player (トゥルーエンド プレイヤー) will be released on December 3rd.

This is the 2nd single from Idol College under the label Stand Up! Records that the group joined in July 2014.

The MV and its live version have been unveiled.


Cheeky Parade – Candy Pop Galaxy Bomb / Kizuna Punky Rock

Cheeky ParadeCheeky Parade‘s new single Candy Pop Galaxy Bomb!! / Kizuna Punky Rock!! will be released on December 3rd.

This long-awaited single from the idol group is their first one for more than one year. It is a double A-side.

The MV has been unveiled. It includes footage from the trip and the concert of Cheeky Parade at the CBGB Music Festival in New York in October.


Afilia Saga – Japonesque × Romanesque

Afilia Saga - Japanesque × RomanesqueAfilia Saga‘s new single Japonesque × Romanesque (ジャポネスク×ロマネスク) will be released on November 26th.

The 4 new members of Afilia Saga are making their first appearance on the 13th single of the idol group.

The MV has been unveiled.


SKE48 – 12 Gatsu no Kangaroo

SKE48 - 12 Gatsu no KangarooSKE48‘s 16th single 12 Gatsu no Kangaroo (12月のカンガルー) will be released on December 10th.

The list of the 22 Senbatsu members and the centers have been unveiled during SKE48 Request Hour Setlist Best 2014 at the Nagoya Congress Center Century Hall​.

Check out the video of the announcement, the teaser trailer and the music videos.


E-Girls – Mr. Snowman

E-Girls - Mr. SnowmanE-Girls‘ new single Mr. Snowman will be released on November 26th.

It is the CM song for e-ma candy by UHA. The members of E-Girls appear in the TV commercial.

The MV, the CM video and the new profile picture of the Japanese female pop group have been unveiled.
