
YuiKaori – Neo Signalife

YuiKaori - Neo SignalifeYuiKaori‘s new single Neo Signalife was released on January 7.

This is the 10th single from YuiKaori. It is an electro dance tune.

The live version, 2 short versions of the MV and its making and have been unveiled.


Pla2me – Unit

Pla2me - Unit

Idol group Pla2me released its new single UNIT on January 6.

This is the second single of Pla2me and its second disc to be released under the label T-Palette Records.

The tracklist and the clip video were unveiled.


Petit Milady – Hi no Ito Rinne no Gemini

Petit Milady - Hi no Ito Rinne no GeminiPetit Milady‘s 4th single Hi no Ito Rinne no Gemini (緋ノ糸輪廻ノGemini) will be on sale on January 7.

It is the opening theme song for the anime World Break: Aria of Curse for a Holy Swordsman (聖剣使いの禁呪詠唱 ; Seiken Tsukai no World Break).

Petit Milady members Yuki Aoi and Taketatsu Ayana voice act the heroines in the anime.


Gacharic Spin – Sekira Liar / Tokenai Candy

Gacharic SpinGacharic Spin‘s new single Sekira Liar / Tokenai Candy (赤裸ライアー / 溶けないCandy) will be released on February 25.

This is the major debut single from Gacharic Spin. Mai and Arisa, who joined the band in June 2014, are credited as Gacha Gacha Dancers.

Tokenai Candy is the ending theme song for the anime Tenkai Knights (テンカイナイト).


Mainya with Shuffle Sisters – Parade Illusion

Kotone Mai (小桃音まい)Mainya with Shuffle Sisters‘ new single Parade Illusion (パレード・イリュージョン) was released on October 29.

Mainya with Shuffle Sisters is an idol unit consisting of Kotone Mai and of 3 members of Dianna Sweet.

It is the ending theme song for the anime Mysterious Joker (怪盗ジョーカー ; Kaitou Joker).

The music video was unveiled on December 25.


OP Samba – Samba Claus / Otsukare Samba

OP Samba - Samba Claus / Otsukare SambaOP Samba‘s 2nd single Samba Claus / Otsukare Samba (サンバクロース/お疲れサンバ!!) was released on December 24.

The theme is Christmas. The members of the idol group are wearing sexy red Brazilian carnival costumes with feathers.

The short version of the music videos has been unveiled.
