Berryz Kobo and °C-ute will be the guests of honor of Japan Expo 2014.
The Japan Expo 15th Anniversary : Berryz Kobo × ℃-ute in Hello! Project Festival will be held on July 3, 2014.
Details on the signing sessions, the public conference, the handshake event and the concert have been announced.
Signing sessions :
- 02/07/2014, 15:00 – 16:00 : 1st come, 1st served
- 02/07/2014, 19:30 – 20:30 : Draw
Public conference :
- 02/07/2014, 16:45 – 17:30
Worldwide handshake event :
- 03/07/2014, 13:00 – 14:30
- You need to present the handshake’s ticket from Berryz Kobo×℃-ute’s CD to participate
Berryz Kobo and °C-ute will give a concert on July 3 at the JE Live House. The doors will open at 18:00 and the live performance will start at 19:00.
Ticket information for the concert have been announced. The ticket prices are :
- Category 1 : 25.00 €
- Category 2 : 35.00 €
- Category 3 : 45.00 €
- Category Premium 120.00 € (number limited, pack including priority access plus goodies : CD, T-shirt, poster)
The concert tickets will be on sale :
- May 3 from 11:00 (CEST) on Japan Expo’s website
- May 6 from 10:00 (CEST) on the websites of FNAC, Carrefour, France Billet and the following shops : Fnac, Carrefour, Geant, Systeme U.
Moreover, the fans can vote to select the songs that will feature on the best album which will celebrate this event. You have to chose your favorite song on the site of the festival between May 2 an 18.
In addition, the members of Berryz Kobo and °C-ute will participate in public conferences, signing sessions and handshake events.
Japan Expo is the biggest convention dedicated to Japanese culture in Europe. The festival will be held on July 2-6 at Paris Nord Villepinte in France.

le 4 juiellet resteras t il des cd du concert des berryz et des cutes car je vins de tres loin pour le concert le soir et le 5 juiellet pour faire un tour a la japone expo
Aucune idée. Il faudrait contacter directement les organisateurs du festival.