Afilia Saga‘s 15th single Embrace Blade will be released on November 18th.
This is the opening theme song for the anime Tai-Madō Gakuen 35 Shiken Shōta (対魔導学園35試験小隊).
The MV has been revealed.
On the covers, the girls are dresses like characters from the anime.
Momoko Little Berry and Moe Mieray, who joined Afilia Saga last summer, are making their first appearance with idol group on this single.
Raymee Heavenly graduated in September.
- Limited Edition
- CD
- Embrace Blade
- Jumping
- Yakusoku no Ano Sora no Hate e (約束のあの空の果てへ)
- Embrace Blade (Off voval)
- Jumping (Off vocal)
- Yakusoku no Ano Sora no Hate e (Off vocal)
- Embrade Blade (Music Video)
- Making-of (メイキング映像)
- CD
- Type A / B / C
- CD
- Embrace Blade
- Jumping
- Embrace Blade (Off vocal)
- Jumping (Off vocal)
- CD
Music Video (PV)