Iketeru Hearts welcomed 4 new girls this August.
The announcement was done on August 19, at the idol group’s recent live performance ~Dreaming Love Kimi no Moto e~ at Shibuya duo MUSIC EXCHANGE.
The 4 new girls who joined Iketeru Hearts are: Aise Risako, Imai Aki, Koizumi Shiika and Shiroki Leia.
Discover their profile pictures below.
It was also announced that Yukafin (formerly Yukafin Doll and former member of Afilia Saga) will be the new producer of Iketeru Hearts.
Further information will be provided later.

Aise Risako

Imai Aki

Koizumi Shiika

Shiroki Leia
- Sources : Tokyo Girls’ Update ; Kimi.kame