Shiritsu Ebisu Chuugaku‘s new single Butterfly Effect (バタフライエフェクト) will be released on June 4.
It is the opening theme song for the anime Nanana’s Buried Treasure (龍ヶ嬢七々々の埋蔵金) broadcast on Fuji TV. Shiritsu Ebisu Chuugaku member Mayama Rika performs as a seiyū (voice actress) in this anime series.
The music video and its dance version have been released.
The covers of the 6th major single from Ebichu have also been unveiled.
Butterfly Effect was written and composed by U-re:x.
The lyrics of the coupling song Encore no Koi were written by Matohara Naoto. The music was composed and arranged by Takumi Misanori.
3 editions are available. Each one contains 3 songs and their instrumental versions. The 3rd track is different depending on the edition.
The Anime version includes a bonus DVD with the MV and the video of the opening of Nanana’s Buried Treasure.
Furthermore, Ebichu’s live tour Shiritsu Ebisu Chuugaku Spring Sony Music Labels Rookie Tour 2014 (私立恵比寿中学スプリングソニーミュージックレーベルズルーキーツアー2014~生まれ変わりちょうちょうボーンとエトセトラ~) will be held from April 27 to June 15 across Japan.
- Regular Edition
- CD
- Butterfly Effect (バタフライエフェクト)
- Encore no Koi (アンコールの恋)
- Lovely Smiley Baby (ラブリースマイリーベイビー)
- Butterfly Effect (バタフライエフェクト) (off vocal)
- Encore no Koi (アンコールの恋) (off vocal)
- Lovely Smiley Baby (ラブリースマイリーベイビー) (off vocal)
- CD
- Yodel ver.
- CD
- Butterfly Effect (バタフライエフェクト)
- Encore no Koi (アンコールの恋)
- Shiawase no Harigami wa Itsumo Senaka ni (幸せの貼り紙はいつも背中に)
- Butterfly Effect (バタフライエフェクト) (off vocal)
- Encore no Koi (アンコールの恋) (off vocal)
- Shiawase no Harigami wa Itsumo Senaka ni (幸せの貼り紙はいつも背中に) (off vocal)
- CD
- Anime ver.
- CD
- Butterfly Effect (バタフライエフェクト)
- Encore no Koi (アンコールの恋)
- Butterfly Effect (バタフライエフェクト) (Anime size ver.)
- Butterfly Effect (バタフライエフェクト) (off vocal)
- Encore no Koi (アンコールの恋) (off vocal)
- Butterfly Effect (バタフライエフェクト) (Anime size ver.) (off vocal)
- Butterfly Effect (バタフライエフェクト) (Music Video)
- Anime No Credit Opening Movie (アニメノンクレジット Opening 映像)
- CD
Music Video (PV)

Comme toujours, merci beaucoup pour ces news détaillées !